Real estate broker for marketing for small and medium enterprises on the map
The sale on the map is one of the methods of financing projects in the field of real estate development where the property is sold before or during the construction process at a specific price, and the seller or developer undertakes to deliver the property with the agreed specifications at the specified time.
WAFI Program for Sale on Map
It is one of the programs of the Ministry of Housing that frames and organizes sales and leases of real estate units on the map, so that no one is allowed to engage in any real estate activity whether it is selling, renting, or designing a marketing advertisement until after obtaining a license allowed by the real estate developer.
At LAN Real Estate, we help you market, offer, sell and lease your property at the best possible price in excess of your expectations. We rely on a systematic and thoughtful way of marketing and selling real estate on the map and coordinating between the seller and buyer in a safe and formal legal framework, as well as taking all procedures for transferring, selling, and leasing the property.